Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber

MBI Al Jaber - Vision

Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber is focused on building bridges between the Middle East and the wider world.  He uses his business and philanthropic activities to foster mutual understanding and respect; encouraging and leading change throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

  • He believes passionately in the power of the individual and that education is a right not a privilege, regardless of gender or circumstance

  • He works tirelessly to promote and encourage cultural understanding through dialogue

  • He is a relentless advocate for transparency and good governance

His goal: to create a more peaceful and stable world for future generations.

MBI Al Jaber - Values

Sheikh Mohamed’s business and philanthropic activities reflect his core values.

Integrity - Sheikh Mohamed believes passionately that trust is the cornerstone of any relationship.  Adherence to moral and ethical principles is an essential element to building trusted relationships in life, business and philanthropic endeavours. 

Loyalty - Sheikh Mohamed’s commitment to his family and friends, philanthropic partners, employees, customers and service providers is second to none.  He realises the immense value of their support and loyalty and will always strive to reflect this.

Moral Courage - Despite personal and business risk, Sheikh Mohamed continues to speak out about issues, which he believes are fundamental to the progression of regional and global peace.